Position papers & statements
Allergen labelling
Classification Labelling and Packaging Regulation
Amfep Guidance in a Nutshell Classification of enzymes according to the CLP Regulation (MARCH2017)
Hazard classification of industrial enzymes (JUNE2016)
Label provision for treated articles under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) (JUL2012)
Amfep guidance on re-import under REACH and CLP (MAR2012)
EU Food Enzymes Legislation
EU GM food and feed regulation
Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health Sector confirms that "Foods and feeds produced by fermentation with GMMs (genetically modified microorganisms) used in containment and not present in the final product are excluded from the scope of the regulations" (SEP2004)
Enzymes: Skin sensitisation classification: Not appliable for industrial enzymes
Skin sensitisation classification: Not appliable for industrial enzymes
Fact Sheets
Amfep Fact Sheet on Protein Engineered Enzymes (MAY2009)
Good Manufacturing Practice
Amfep members have developped Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in the microbial food enzyme industry
It ensures the consistency of systems of quality controls and quality assurance, employee qualifications, maintenance standards for equipment, control of raw materials and product stability.
Personal care products
Medical Device Cleaning
Amfep guidance Safety in the use of enzyme containing reagents for medical device cleaning (2015)
ERC guidance on the first steps for registration of enzymes under REACH (DEC 2018)
Safe Handling Guide
AMFEP Guide to the safe handling of industrial enzymes preparations 2013 (2013)
Amfep guidance Safety in the use of enzyme containing reagents for medical device cleaning
HERA project
Human and Environmental Risk Assessment: A voluntary industry programme to carry out Human and Environmental Risk Assessments on ingredients of household cleaning products
Occupational safety in the baking sector
The safe use of enzymes in the bakery supply chain (SEP2015)
Sustainable use of enzymes in textiles industry
Amfep position paper on sustainable use of enzymes and modern biotechnology in the textiles industry (SEP2010)