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Founded in 1977, the Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products (AMFEP) is a non-profit European industry association.


Our vision is for enzyme solutions to be recognised as essential enablers, contributing to a better life in a more sustainable society.


AMFEP is the voice of the European enzyme industry, promoting the benefits of enzymes and our vision to policy-makers and the whole value chain. AMFEP supports a regulatory framework that allows society to benefit from the use of enzymes.

The main objectives of AMFEP are:

  • To monitor, study and contribute to the solution of matters relating to scientific, technical, legal and/or regulatory aspects of the European enzyme industry and its products, and make them available to members.

  • To provide a platform for the members and other interested parties to share their expertise and best practices in the above-mentioned aspects in compliance with the rules of competition law.

  • To inform the members on the latest changes of the laws and communications and decisions from the authorities and affecting the enzyme industry and its products.

  • To inform its stakeholders and other interested parties on the efficacy, safety and/or environmental aspects of its enzyme products.

  • To provide assistance to its stakeholders and other interested parties in a better understanding of the scientific, technical, legal and/or regulatory environment related to enzymes.

  • Establish, maintain and promote relations with the institutions as well as any authorities and other stakeholders operating inside and outside the European Union (EU).

AMFEP successfully co-operates with European institutions and partner associations worldwide, has observer status in Codex Alimentarius, is a member of the EFSA Stakeholders Consultative platform and of EU Specialty Food Ingredients, and is one of ECHA’s accredited stakeholder organisations. AMFEP is also a founding member of the International Enzymes Co-ordination Group (IECG). In addition, AMFEP is member of and hosts the services of the Enzymes REACH consortium.

EU Transparency register # 25945099095-69

AMFEP STATUTES - approved GA 2022


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© 2025 AMFEP c/o KELLEN • Avenue de Tervueren 188A postbox4, 1150 Brussels • Tel +32 2 761 16 77 • VAT BE 0627.846.356
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